About Me
I am Jing Zhu, a PhD student at the University of Michigan, with Danai Koutra.
Before that, I obtained my B.S.E. from both the University of Michigan and Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and I worked with Andrew Owens.
I work on multimodal learning, with a special focus on retrieval and ranking tasks.
Research Interns
[LLNL]:     2021/05 - 2021/08
Host: Mark Heimann
[AWS AI]: 2022/05 - 2022/11
Host: Xiang Song , Vassilis N. Ioannidis , Christos Faloutsos
[LLNL]:     2023/05 - 2023/08
Host: Jay Thiagarajan , Mark Heimann, Christine Klymko
[Pins]:       2024/05 - 2023/08
Host: Jie Chen, Sam Liu
- [2024/09] "On the Impact of Feature Heterophily on Link Prediction with Graph Neural Networks is accepted at NeurIPS'24!
- [2024/09] "Multi-Stage Balanced Distillation: Addressing Long-Tail Challenges in Sequence-Level Knowledge Distillation is accepted at EMNLP'24!
- [2024/04] "TouchUp-G: Improving Feature Representation through Graph-Centric Finetuning is accepted at SIGIR'24!
- [2023/10] "Pitfalls in Link Prediction with Graph Neural Networks: Understanding the Impact of Target-link Inclusion & Better Practices is accepted at WSDM'24!
- [2022/09] "Touch and Go: Learning from Human-Collected Vision and Touch is accepted at NeurIPS'22!
- [2022/08] "CAPER: Coarsen, Align, Project, Refine - A General Multilevel Framework for Network Alignment is accepted at CIKM'22!
- [2021/08] "NegatER: Unsupervised Discovery of Negatives in Commonsense Knowledge Bases is accepted at EMNLP'21!
- [2020/12] "Node Proximity Is All You Need: A Unified Framework for Proximity-Preserving and Structural Node and Graph Embedding." is accepted at SDM'21!
Book Chapter
Fact Summarization for Personalized Knowledge Graphs
Danai Koutra, Davide Mottin, Jing Zhu
Personal Knowledge Graphs (PKGS): Methodology, Tools and Applications
- Best paper award at MLoG [Slides]
[9] On the Impact of Feature Heterophily on Link Prediction with Graph Neural Networks. [link] [code]
Thirty-Eighth Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2024)
[8] Multi-Stage Balanced Distillation: Addressing Long-Tail Challenges in Sequence-Level Knowledge Distillation. [link] [code]
The 2024 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP 2024 Findings)
[6] TouchUp-G: Improving Feature Representation through Graph-Centric Finetuning. [link] [code]
ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2024)
[5] Pitfalls in Link Prediction with Graph Neural Networks: Understanding the Impact of Target-link Inclusion & Better Practices.[link] [code]
The 17th ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM 24)
[4] Touch and Go: Learning from Human-Collected Vision and Touch. [link] [code]
Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 22 Dataset and Benchmark)
[3] CAPER: Coarsen, Align, Project, Refine - A General Multilevel Framework for Network Alignment. [link] [code]
Jing Zhu, Danai Koutra, Mark Heimann
International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 22)
[2] NegatER: Unsupervised Discovery of Negatives in Commonsense Knowledge Bases. [link] [code]
Tara Safavi, Jing Zhu, Danai Koutra
The 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP 21)
[1] Node Proximity Is All You Need: A Unified Framework for Proximity-Preserving and Structural Node and Graph Embedding. [link] [code]
Jing Zhu*, Xingyu Lu*, Mark Heimann, Danai Koutra
SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM 21)
Selected Awards
- DEI Award, CVPR 2024
- Best paper Award, MLoG 2024
- Two Sigma Fellowship Finalist
- CIKM Travel Award, SIGIR. Oct. 2022
- KDD Travel Award, SIGKDD. Aug. 2022
- CSE fellowship, University of Michigan. 2021-2022
- Rackham Travel Grant, University of Michigan. Nov. 2021.
- SDM Travel Award, SIAM. Apr. 2021.
- James B. Angell Scholar, University of Michigan. Mar. 2021.
- Jackson and Muriel Lum Scholarship, University of Michigan. 2019-2021
- Excellent Undergraduate Scholarship, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Nov. 2018, Nov. 2019.
- EECS476 Data Mining, University of Michigan. 2021 Winter.
- EECS496 Major Design Experience-Professionalism, University of Michigan. 2020 Fall.
- VV285 Honors Mathematics III, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. 2019 Summer.
- VV186 Honors Mathematics II, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. 2018 Fall.
- Zhongmou He
Academic Service
- Review: TKDD, NeurIPS, AAAI, KDD, ECML-PKDD, SDM, LoG, NeurIPS New Frontiers in Graph Learning
- Organizer: LoG Meetup 2023
- I would love to help minority students in CS research. Feel free to reach out if you need anything.
- My research journey starts during high school with my great advisor SHI Guochao. We investigate the effect of Cactus Optunia on Bronchitis and won multiple innovation awards including Honorable Mention in Shing-Tung Yau High School Science Award.